Hello Africa Chezidek Four Lighters
For most Jamaicans – young and old – whenever they hear ‘Leave the Trees’ they
For most Jamaicans – young and old – whenever they hear ‘Leave the Trees’ they
To those unfamiliar, Royal Blu has been at the vanguard of what could be considered the new sound emanating from Jamaica. Not quite roots rock reggae, not quite the raucous nature of dancehall but a 100% Jamaican
It is common knowledge that adversity is not confined to race, class, gender or creed. So, for anyone to – not only aspire but – strive in life; it would mean that several obstacles would have to be overcome in order to achieve any level of success irrespective of background. This film – presented by Red Bull – Out Deh shows the path to success for three young men with the city of Kingston
Men lie, Women lie but numbers don’t, is a common refrain and with good reason as for many aspects about modern life is all about the triangulation of numbers and applying those numbers to everyday living. So, it was literally a joy to both witness and analyze the overwhelming quantitative success, the Bounty Killer vs Beenie Man ‘clash’ had on the Instagram Live of the VerzuzTV page. Created by legendary music producers Timbaland and Swizz Beats, VerzuzTV was built to entertain the millions of music fans
The Jamaican Music Industry lost one of its shining lights over the weekend with the untimely passing of Denver ‘Feluke’ Smith. One of most notable percussionist in the industry
I went into this EP as blind as could be, as I had never even heard about Marr Sunball nor his music before stumbling across “Tempicha” late 2019. Now, as a listening experience, ‘Tempicha’ could come off as
For many Jamaicans, any reference, to their homeland, in a song is celebrated no matter how it comes about. For awhile, “Jamaica funk, that’s what it is” was an intro that got all the people present, at the various discotheques that dotted the island, on the dance floor.
For people who loved Jamaican music from the 90s, Bobby Digital and his Digital B label were one of the leading standard bearers during this time period. His passing will definitely leave a void in the global sound space. We, at BACKAYARD, did an interview with the legendary producer and label head several years and now, in tribute, we have decided to re run this piece. Sleep well Bobby D