Owazawo asks the right question

Music is the breath that Owazawo breathes therefore, he is passionate about it as some would say that music calls them

Owen “Owazawo” Dawkins is a young musician who prides himself with positive and uplifting music. Owazawo was born on November 3, 1986. Owazawo hails from Mocho Clarendon; although he is from Clarendon he leaves there from the age of 14 for a better life.

Music is the breath that Owazawo breathe therefore, he is passionate about it as some would say that music calls them he would say that it runs in his vein (family). His father is an inspired musician. Owazawo could remember from an earlier age when is father had is three string guitar Owazawo would sing along with him while he played his guitar.

Owazawo musical inspiration comes from his father. Owazawo brothers are also musical as it runs in the family; Owazawo is the only one who that act upon is musical motivation and take it a step further. Owazawo has done 3 recording PIECE, PROTECT WE, QUESTION. Question is a song paying tribute to the missing Children..

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