Let’s Play Acoustic

A full expression of Black Magic and Black Love. Musical Trip in the Hills

A full expression of Black Magic and Black Love
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Shot by Jik Reuben

The 4th staging of the Let’s Play Acoustic series, the brainchild of singer-songwriter Sherieta, dubbed ‘The Black Magic Edition’, was a complete success. The event happened on Sunday, March 26th, 2023, at the beautiful EITS Café in New Castle, Kingston, Jamaica. With its incredible views and cosy corners, this venue was perfect for bringing about the energy of black magic and love. Gates opened at 2:00 pm, and as they entered, guests were greeted with smells from the EITS Café kitchen and complimentary drinks and soup. The resident DJ, Afro Pete, didn’t disappoint. Afro Pete entertained the guests with hit selections that helped them get in the mood for showtime at 4:00 pm. At that time, the beautiful and charismatic host, Cecile Black, who is no stranger to the stage herself, took to the stage and called the anticipative crowd to ready themselves for the magical experience about to unfold.

Shot by Jik Reuben

First up was the sultry chanteuse, Bella Blair, who smoothly transitioned from comedienne and influencer to exploring the musical flank of her creative capabilities and passions. Her performance displayed self-assurance and vocal agility as she effortlessly weaved the melodies of Beyonce’s “Love on Top”, perfectly setting the tone for the rest of the show. Bella then flowed into originals such as the feisty, “Don’t Chat to Me”, which featured a much-appreciated injection of the traditional music style, Kumina. Finally, she rounded up her impressive stint with the marijuana anthem, “Gimme A Light”, to the great delight of the “stoners” in the audience.

Shot by Jayson Tucker

Qyor then hit the stage just before sunset. He chose this time to offer the audience more than just his captivating vocals as he sat and played his congo drums in his first few song selections. His unmatched style and riffs captivated the audience as he delivered the sultry George Benson classic, “Kisses in the Moonlight”. As a bonus, Qyor invited his musical brother, Mackeehan, to the stage, inviting the audience on a spiritual journey with, “My Way”, then back to the mood of love with “You Believe in Me”. Bella Blair re-joined Qyor on stage to perform their version, “Senorita”, originally by Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes. Song after song, the audience rocked and danced, giving in to his enchantments to become members of Qyor’s choir. He closed his show with a salute to his mother in “Quintillionaire” and ‘paid homage’ to his enemies with “Cups Up” and “Know Your Friends”. As the sun set on this magical experience, the cool breeze from the mountains of New Castle couldn’t compete with the warmth and love coming from the stage.

Shot by Jik Reuben

After a 20-minute intermission, host Cecile Black introduced the consummate lyricist, songstress and show conceptualiser, Sherieta. The audience cheered and Sherieta beamed with pride and appreciation, as she entered the stage in a long, flowing gold dress. She welcomed everyone to the show and hinted at the interactive nature of her set with her first song, “Conversation”, from her 2019 EP, Conversations in Key. Sherieta then indicated that her usual full black outfits and bright red hair were temporarily retired as she was carrying precious cargo, rubbing her tummy gently. Her revelation, which was met with congratulatory exclamations, created an even more palpable feeling of intimacy in the show. Sherieta’s set took the audience on a hill and valley sojourn of love and even controversy, from the dread of a chance meeting with an ex-lover in “Oh No”, to the sorry-not-sorry lyrics of “Woman2Woman.” But, it was the yet-to-be-titled first track from her upcoming EP also entitled, Black Magic, that moved the audience deeply. An ode to her unborn child, Sherieta’s tears flowed freely as she declared, “No matter where you go, just know we’re right beside you; never forget mummy and daddy we love you so.” A hug and kiss from her husband, Romario, who she praised for his love and support, confirmed once again that the night was in fact a celebration of black love. Musical camaraderie was another feature of the event as Sherieta invited long-time collaborator, Qyor, back onstage to sing “Believe”, another single from her upcoming project, as well as “Can We Stay”. Sherieta closed the show with a medley of her song, “Don’t Fail Me Now” into Bob Marley’s, “High Tide”, dedicated to the audience, expressing her profound gratitude for their love and support. The mission for a magical musical experience was nearing completion.

Shot by Jik Reuben

Night had settled and the dark, quiet hills were interrupted only by the soft stage lights and the timeless music from the special guest performer, Mortimer. The Neo-Reggae ambassador exuded quiet confidence and humility as he approached the microphone, everyone anxious to hear their favourite songs. The audience sang along rapturously to “Fight the Fight”, “Style and Grace”, and “No Lies” and they listened intently as he performed his latest single, “Whole Heap”. Without missing a word or beat, the venue was once again transformed into a choir as Mortimer launched into his mega-hit, “Lightning”. His set was nothing short of entrancing. His words and voice ignited a soulful power which brought the evening to an unforgettable climax.

The fourth instalment of the Let’s Play Acoustic Series: The Black Magic Edition, was indeed a celebration of ‘Black Love’ and the magic it creates. It was also a reclamation of the negative connotations surrounding the term, realigning it to refer to the power, strength, and talents of black stars and stars in the making. Nothing but positive musical vibrations and wonderful memories were left with the audience on Sunday, March 26th, 2023. The magical mission was accomplished!
Follow @letsplaymusicja on Instagram for updates on the next staging of Let’s Play.

Shot by Jayson Tucker

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