How High?

The key advice to being a multifaceted toker is simply belief. Belief in yourself, you must be aware of your limits as a 420 native.

A guide to highlight the kind of trip, and what to expect from the most popular methods of cannabis consumption.

As a stoner myself, I’ve experienced a variety of highs that I’ve realized many people have not. This is what drove me to write this concise yet informative article. Not everyone is privileged or brave enough to try some of the methods listed below.

“Oh the terror. The rumors. The stories. I have few I can share myself. Edibles are advanced stuff. If you have never smoked marijuana I vehemently urge you to not try it.”

A Seasoned Toker….

Therefore, the key advice here to being a multifaceted toker is simply belief. Belief in yourself, you must be aware of your limits as a 420 native. So without further delaying the pass of the blunt. Let’s get started.



The most beloved and iconic face of tokers. I can almost guarantee this is how most of you got introduced to cannabis. I dare say it is the most popular form of smoking due to it’s laid back nature of consumption.  It has developed a sort of unwritten communion among tokers. It even has rules that govern the sharing of the L. “Puff puff pass”, “don’t tell exceptionally winded stories during a puff”, tilt the spliff up instead of down for a slower burn” and the list goes on and on. 

Fun Fact: The first recorded joint used for recreational use was documented in Mexico. A pharmacist at The University of Guadalajara first mentioned that workers were mixing cannabis and tobacco in making their cigarettes. It’s suspected the practice was at least started around the 1850s.

Smoking in this format is usually the most harsh because of the paper element involved. For newer smokers this usually leads to the infamous first coughs. *cough cough* The intensity of the high is usually controllable. Since either you are passing it to someone after puffing, or you are puffing alone and can tap out. There is no shame man. If you ever had any real named strains you know what I mean. The closer you get to finishing the fruit roll up of your choice, the harsher the smoke. This occurs as a result of increased heat and more paper than flower. 

Water Pipes


The shotgun of the bunch. A water pipe combines air, water, fire and earth. By your powers combined you get a very potent high, instantly. For more advanced tokers water pipes often take some getting used to. It’s focus is on extracting harmful carcinogenic particles from toked smoke to give a cleaner high. If you want proof of its effects, smell the water after a session. Ask yourself if you’d really want that inside you.

Smoking from glass pipes is fun because as an added bonus you’re not limited to using water in your bong. Juice for instance flavours the smoke. You dont waste bud from a bong as you would from a joint burning out. If you were to smoke the same amount of flowers you would place in a L the bong would get you higher every single time. If you decide to graduate to a bong, bare in mind you have to get ready to use your lungs. It can be unfamiliar at first but you learn to handle the excess smoke.



Pipes are similar to bongs minus the water filtration element. Depending on the material of the pipe, you can go from being high to coughing from the inhalation of fumes. Always ensure your pipe is made of a briar or aluminum material as these are usually safer. Notwithstanding, there exists corn cob pipes, glass and clay pipes that I assume are just as good.

Pipe highs are almost instant. Preparation is simple. You get your bud, crush it and pack it. The high is lingering and requires less hits of smoke than a roll up to get you twice as high. Not everyone can handle it but it remains more beginner friendly. Usually the second most used method, you control and save herb while you get higher. Simple.



A somewhat less known or less talked about form of toking is vaporization. The vaporizer heats the trees through conduction just enough to activate the herb’s THC. The cleanest method of smoking in my opinion, there is no combustion involved with the flowers. It essentially toasts the plant. Best of both worlds. No smoke, all the high. 

The high from vaporizers aren’t harsh and are super enlightening. It is more of a balanced high that I classify as a ‘functional high’. The methods range from those that are sneaky like pens, to rigs for specialised use indoors. Vaporiser highs stay with you throughout the day and you can even feel upbeat. It will not couch lock you easily and is efficient, safe and quite pleasant. It’s just a b%tch to set up.



Oh the terror. The rumors. The stories. I have a few I could share myself. Edibles are advanced stuff. If you have never smoked marijuanna, I vehemently urge you to not try it.

Build up your tolerance and mastery of the high first. Edibles range from pastries to beverages and everything in between. You name it, someone probably infused it with our favourite brain seasoning.

Edible highs can be highly unpredictable and unforgiving. Taking anywhere between 30 to 50 minutes to start taking effect. This wait is often daunting because when it starts it usually never stops. The intense portion of the high ranges from 3 to 6 hours. However the lingering high can remain for days! During the high, paranoia is often a huge factor. To ensure peace of mind ensure you consume edibles in a controlled environment. 

As marijuanna become more accessible, edible retailers have taken to labelling the percentage of THC present in their products. Effectively eliminating the shock factor for the responsible herbalist. You do have a strong stigma attached to edibles though, so what happens going forward is the teaching of responsible consumption.


Know what works for you. Be safe when you smoke and stay hydrated. Know which high applies to the when. There is never anything to prove, that defeats the unifying nature of marijuanna. I hope I atleast do what I set out to do. Which is to firstly inform my fellow herbalists. With that said I’m heading for this bong rip. It’s always 420 somewhere. Spark up!

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