God of War III Remastered Review
God of War III Remastered for PS4 commemorates the 10 anniversary of the original God of War in a worthy way. The artistic style of the game remains intact while the resolution has been increased, the characters are more detailed, and the frame rate runs (most of the time) at a full 60 fps. The scale of the game is epic in proportion. Battle on the back of the titan Gaia as she climbs Mt. Olympus and save her, only to have her betray you and send you to the underworld. Then battle your way through the dark underworld, surrounded by wretched souls and powerful monsters, to claw your way back to Mt. Olympus and take on Zeus himself.
I loved the original God of War III so it comes as no surprise that I love God of War III Remastered. This game is a fun combination of hack and slash and puzzle solving. The hack and slash parts involve scores of enemies and a combo-based combat system. Pressing circle ups the brutality involved and creates some gorgeous kills. Boss battles punctuate the action with “quick time” sequences that involve pressing buttons in a specific sequence to launch crazy powerful attacks – my favorite was gouging out a gorgon’s eyes by pressing L1 and R1 repeatedly. Puzzles typically involve lining platforms and objects up and pulling levers. Puzzles are a nice change of pace from the gruesome, frenetic and spectacular combat.
It turns out that you can have a lot of fun in hell…if you’re Kratos.