JunkYaad Feva’ Backayard Street, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

By: Caos

Those who have followed my fashion and lifestyle editorials have seen me do mostly live show features and celebrity critiques. I was invited to check out something different, creative and street toe the core this time around. If you haven’t figured this out about me already, let me make it clear, I enjoy what difference does! In how you display your fashion, style and lifestyle. Today, I will give you a breakdown of Junkyaad, the fashionable, gritty, creative and underground event hosted by NoName Ent. (I know, I thought down to the name was kinda creative also).

The Underground Escape

So, I was especially interested in seeing the setup of this new look and experience; the décor, the venue, the fashion and ambience of the whole event. What made this more exciting than many underground events is the fact that the venue was not disclosed on the flyer or promotions. This added to the suspense, which was creatively thrilling and enticing, to me …. In addition to this, the Dj lineup with the likes of; The Wixard, Iren Siren, Duzi Gordon, Circa 11 and Stamma, made me even more intrigued.

In an effort to create a more genuine, loving and open environment, it was made clear that this event brought with it no discrimination, gender bias or judgement, the aim was just to have a great night with good food, liquor, vibe, people and music. When the venue was released, many were surprised but also very excited as to how this would be pulled off. Using the parking lot of F&B Downtown, the underground escape came alive for a few hours.

Before I go one, let me tell you something, with the stigma that has been attached to the Downtown Kingston area, it was not easy to get a chartered cab to the venue. The cab that took me was especially interested as to where I was going and the area ha, ha… Despite that little hiccup, the night went on. Walking towards the venue, it was clearly obvious that the security of the patrons was the utmost importance of the organizers for this event. The blazing sound of the music made me feel the energy before even entering the venue.

“The street is where fashion was born” – Yvs St. Laurent

One of my most favorite quotes of all times. Yves St. Laurent could not have said it any better. The mixtures of a low light ambience, ecclectic fashion, style and décor was the embodiment of this first staging. Caution tapes, Jungle Juice Bar, Anonymous Bartenders and Assistants wearing masks, Coloured Flashing Lights and sweat glistening from the patrons on the dancefloor; The Junkyaad Feva’ was already in progress. Creativity, Fashion and Style was plastered all over and it felt good. You have always heard me say that I really enjoy walking into a space that not only generates but radiates creativity, individualism, fashion and overall style; and Junkyaad was a pleasant mixture of these ingredients.
While I stood at a high point to observe the patrons, being mesmerized by the sound waves filling the air of their favorite alternative mixture of songs. It was exceptionally thrilling to see each in their own fashion, style and lifestyle bubble as the coloured lights the lights hit them. I did not see your average, blazer, jeans and button downs, I mean there was a few, but the crowd was filled with such a high level of individualistic style that, I excitedly scoured through the crown many times, just to be able to peruse everyone and their sense of fashion and style.
Take a look at the JunkYaad Feva Experience. Stay tuned for more, who knows, I may pass through again to see what’s new in the yaad. It was a great experience, and I look forward to see what’s next for this new alternative and creative group.

See you on the flip side…

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