KINGSTON, JAMAICA – The Rita Marley Rehearsal Studio is once again available to the public. Located at Tuff Gong International – the spacious and secure property at 220 Marcus Garvey Drive – the studio is suitable to accommodate singers as well as dancers and dramatists.
The large, modern facility has hosted the likes of Capleton, Black Uhuru, Mykal Rose, K’naan and other big names in the recording industry. Tuff Gong’s intention is to make the space available not only to established artists such as these but also to young practitioners of the arts. For the hourly rate comparable to the average studio in Kingston, the nation’s talented youth can now be exposed to the same creative environment that trendsetting musicians have enjoyed for some time.
In reaching out to dancers and actors, Tuff Gong is taking a step towards a holistic goal of overcoming economic strife through the proper development of Jamaica’s arts and culture industries.
“Bob Marley himself overcame poverty by consistent dedication to his art.” says public relations representative, Gavin Hutchinson. “It is only fitting that the record company he started would take some initiative in advanced in advancing today’s younger generation.”
KINGSTON, JAMAICA – Tuff Gong International, a member of the Bob Marley Group of Companies, is now offering its new tour called ‘Making of Music.’ Visitors are educated about studio work as well as CD and vinyl production while getting an intimate look at its state-of-the-art facilities.
Music has become one of Jamaica’s major exports thanks, in part, to its wealth of naturally talented recording artistes, too numerous to name. We sometimes forget that there is an entire industry diligently working behind scenes. Even our most globally recognized legend, Bob Marley had such foresight that he undertook steps to start his record company. With the ‘Making of Music’ tour, we offer tourists and residents alike the opportunity to be exposed to the lesser known aspects of music production.
Tours are conducted on weekdays, beginning at 9:30am; the last tour begins at 4:30pm. Each guided tours is approximately half an hour long.